Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2008

again I see nothing

11 Kommentare:

Ante hat gesagt…


may I ask - which broker do you use?


notebooktrader hat gesagt…

I use IB.

You can find this information under:

Anonym hat gesagt…

hallo, is your chart-tool from abnamro? if yes, why? i thought you take saxobank.

notebooktrader hat gesagt…

Yes, I use ABN for quick charting because I'm on a Mac now and I don't want to fire up VMwareFusion all the time.

IB is main broker
Saxo is backup and charting under Windows (VMware)

I hate the IB java charts thats the reason for ABN.

DAY-trading when do we some postings on your blog? let me know

Anonym hat gesagt…

yes, you are very right!!! ib charting is the worst tool that i have ever seen!!!! ugly charts and very slow on my notebook. for forex i take mt4 -demo(it is okay)and for futures i take also abnamro, but i´m not so happy with that. because the prices are not really the as the underlying and i often had problems with the connection

notebooktrader hat gesagt…

yes, you're right It doesn't matter which CFD broker you're using they always have different prices - there own interpretation :D

I use the demo to do some demo trades and the difference between IB and ABN is 1-4 minutes for a fill - unbelievable.

Anonym hat gesagt…

i have one more question: how important are fundamentel datas at your trading?

Anonym hat gesagt…


Wen meinst du mit Schluchtenshicer?

Laß mir mal deine Emailadresse zukommen.

Gute Nacht!

notebooktrader hat gesagt…

to day-trading
It has some impact but I would never trade only on fundamentals.

to kirk
Sorry I can't decrypt your cipher

mr_n hat gesagt…

You say, that you are using ABN just for quick-charting or demonstration purposes. So you will look for trading chances in the ABN charts to put orders in IB. What are you buying then in IB? Futures? Index-ETFs?

notebooktrader hat gesagt…

I use a proprietary charting solution via Remote-Desktop (company VPN) and there i trade the high lows and calculate my risk.

my first postings was like "sell the lows", then I was asked in the comments where exactly I went in and where exactly I have my stops.

I can't post my IB trades and show Saxo (ABN) charts. So I post the high lows as seen in the charts.

But as I'm using 30 minutes time frame it doesn't make much difference. 1-4 minutes max.